What Do We Do?
We talk about everything and anything that is important to the Stephen Leacock PS community. Our meetings generally include reports from the School Council Chair, Principal, Vice Principal, and other staff. We also discuss our financial status every month. As well as raising funds to support our educators and school through the Priority Needs List, we have an opportunity to provide input into student life, work together on programs, raise concerns, and stay up to date on everything important and new at our children’s school.
2023/2024 Stephen Leacock School Council Executive:
Chair: Teisha Gaylard
Vice-Chair: Lacey Miller
Treasurer: Angela Drouin
Secretary: Frances Minhas
Communications: Mohsen Asad
Volunteer Coordinator: Azadeh Ghafelehbashi
Event and Program Contacts:
Pizza Day Co-ordinator: Shannon Maric
Lunch Lady Days: Contact the Council at
[email protected] or
The Lunch Lady at
Why Should You Attend School Council Meetings?
This is your forum to be able to support your children and their education. If you have concerns that you would like the parent community to address, suggestions that you think could make things better, or just want to sit back, listen and learn what’s happening then you should attend our next meeting.
If you would like to become an official voting member of Council, please fill out and return this form:
Council Membership form